Wednesday, August 15, 2007

And we're off

I did it. I got everything ready, with time to spare. We're leaving for the airport in about a half an hour.
I miss Iris and Dennis already. I so wish the timing had been different so that we could've experienced this together. I keep giving Iris these big, bone-crushing hugs out of the blue, and I think she's getting rather tired of it.
I'd write more, but I'm too nervous to think; besides I don't really have that much to write about anyway. In a few days, I'll have lots, of course.
Wish us luck!


Craig said...

I can't wait to hear about your meeting Richard and getting around China. I doubt you will have jet lag - expect that on your return, unfortunately.

If you can, try to get out on the little tours and just to stores and the like, especially in the province. (Guangzhou is far more western and touristy.) A lot of my memories of China, besides Bridget, are things like being surrounded by salesgirls in stores, walks along the river, and the like. Nicole can probably find some cool books; I bought the first Harry Potter in Mandarin while I was there.

Have a great time!

Lizanne said...

I love your comments about Willa's eyes--yes, studying that picture, waiting for her to become real.

Are you in an area where you can get around fairly easily? Walking is nice if you can (the no-seatbelt vans can be a bit unnerving w/a new child).

Can't wait to read more.



Laura Lee Washburn said...

Just saying "hi." If my math is right, you'll have Willa in 6 hours from when I'm writing this. Wow. I bet it feels so much better just to be there in China than all this waiting and anticipation and "not realness" of the earlier steps in this process.

Have a good time.