Tuesday, August 14, 2007


On Friday, my agency called and said we had to leave Wednesday. Usually you get two to three weeks to prepare, and that's what I was counting on. The last few days have been really crazy. Good. But crazy.

We get Willa at 3:30 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 19. I just can't imagine what that's going to be like.

Nikki and I are traveling solo. We're going from KC to LAX, LAX to Guongzhou, then on to Nanchang. We get into Nanchang on Friday afternoon, which gives us a couple of days to recover from jetlag before meeting Willa.

I'd write more, but there are a million things to do.


Laura Lee Washburn said...

What is the time difference between KS and the place where you pick up Willa?

Theresa said...

It's twelve or thirteen hours ahead of Central time.