Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Here she is. So much for my psychic abilities: she's chubby, bald, and from Jiangxi. Her DOB is Dec. 3, 2006.


Heidi said...

Congratulations! She is a cutie! I thought Rory would be from Jianxi and she is from Hunan. We just switched! Isn't it amazing how young the babies are this time!

Research-China.Org said...

Congratulations on your referral!

When you are ready to obtain her Chinese finding ad (which has a photo of her earlier than her referral photo!) come visit us at www.research-china.org.

Have a great trip, and congrats!!


Susan said...

She is beautiful! Congratulations! Our daughter is also from Jiangxi. Maybe we'll see you in China.


Julie said...


Louanne said...

WOO HOO!!! Our baby is from the same orphange. I just left you a post on the november page of RQ too. Our photos are the same :)

She is such a cutie! Those cheeks are just waiting to be kissed!!!!

Deb said...

Congrats, she is beautiful!

Truly Blessed said...

Who cares if your psychic abilities need work? She's beautiful, and the daughter you were meant to have.

Congratulations on your precious Willa!